Pears are not only delicious but make an easy and healthy snack. The United States is the third largest pear producing country in the world. One medium pear is very good source of fiber, a good source of vitamin C and provides 206 mg of potassium for only 100 calories. Here are a few more pear facts:
- Pears are harvested when mature but not ripe. Ripen pears at room temperature.
- Bartlett variety pears change color as they ripen (from green to yellow).
- For non-Bartlett varieties check the neck for ripeness daily: apply gentle pressure to the neck, or stem end, of the pear with your thumb. If it yields to pressure, it is ripe.
- Ripe pears can be refrigerated and used up to five days later.
- To prevent browning, dip cut pears into a solution of 50% water and 50% lemon juice.
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Our goal is to help parents and caregivers prepare healthy meals and snacks by sharing recipes, tips and ideas that are geared for children ages 2 to 5.