January is a fresh start with a new calendar year! How can you shift your focus to find happiness in your day? How can you inspire joy in those around you this month? What little things can help bring cheer and delight to you, your children and family?
Take moments of time to share joy with your family. Here are a few ideas for snowy days:
- Even though it might be cold, think of how fun a sledding party would be.
- See who can create the best snow fort.
- Work in teams to create a snow sculpture (whale, snowman, pet).
When January weather keeps your family inside, take the opportunity to teach some basic cooking or food preparation skills. Here is an easy way to teach your child the skill of setting the table.
“Fork” has four letters and so does the word “left.” Because they both have four letters, you can remember to place the fork on the left side of the plate. The napkin can be placed by the fork.
- Knife and spoon both have five letters, as does the word right. Therefore, the knife and spoon go to the right side of the plate. Your glass will go above the knife and spoon on the right side.
- While you are enjoying your meal, discuss joyful things that have happened to your family. What are things your family enjoys doing together (family game night, roller skating, helping a neighbor by scooping snow)? Think of words that start with “j” that bring your family joy.
January is egg month. An egg-straordinary way to create a fun meal is to make Cookie Cutter Toad-In-The-Hole from the American Egg Board. Encourage the entire family to take part in making this! The children can select the cookie cutters, and cut the shapes out of the bread. While the adult is cooking, the children can set the table. Serve with orange sections, banana slices and milk. Here are a few additional "egg" recipe ideas:
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