Here are fun and creative ways to increase access to healthy foods and support your community. See how many BINGO squares you can check off over the next few months and tag us: @UNLNutritionEducationProgram, #nehealthyfoodaccess
B | I | N | G | O |
Try our Bell Pepper Nachos recipe!
Build a Healthy Habit with the MyPlate App
Scruba-dub-dub! Safely wash your produce!
Double your SNAP Dollars! Double Up Food Bucks
Support your Local Grocery Stores - Choose Healthy Here
Live in the Lincoln Area? Find the nearest food distribution site
Live outside of Lincoln? Find the nearest food distribution site
Support your Local Farmers Markets
Brownie Recipe with Black Beans (You can't even taste them!)
Have a Beautiful Day! Plant Seedlings with Children |
Food Safety Tips to Keep your Family Healthy
Share a Healthy Recipe on Social Media
Use Free Delivery Options from Grocery Stores and Restaurants
Shopping List: Choose Foods that Fuel you Best
Find Meals for Kids when Schools are Closed
Veggies + Fruit = Shamrock Smoothie Recipe
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The Nutrition Education Program (NEP) delivers evidence-based nutrition education and obesity prevention interventions through a combination of education strategies coupled with multi-level community changes that occur within the environment to promote healthy eating and active lifestyles.
This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – SNAP and Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP).